Objectives of subject
The main objective is to introduce the student to the fundamentals of systems theory with emphasis on control systems design and analysis. Technical aspects and mathematical approaches on the implementation issues of classical control theory in the time and frequency domain are studied to provide the student with a modern view of systems theory.
Understanding the benefits and the drawbacks of dynamic systems modeling, knowledge of the properties of control structures, understanding of methods for design and tuning of the P, PI, PD, PID controllers, time and frequency analysis of dynamic systems, aspects of engineering practice in the start-up of a closed loop control structure.
Specific Competencies
- Control and feedback control. Process and system: representation and classification. Basic components and characteristics of feedback control systems. Examples.
- Mathematical notions used by control systems theory: differential equations with constant coefficients, matrices algebra, linear differential systems, Laplace and Fourier transforms and theirs applications. Examples.
- Linear transfer elements, representation forms of linear systems: differential equations, test signals and the responses to these signals, transfer functions, state-space equations for SISO. Systems connexions. Examples.
- Time analysis. Frequency analysis. Examples.
- Stability of the continuous linear systems. Examples.
- Introduction in continuous linear systems identification with deterministic signals.
- Continuos and Linear Feadback Control Systems. Diferential equations representation of the systems. Transfer system representation.
- Equilibrum point determination
- Feadback control systems stability: Routh-Hurwitz criterion, Cremer-Leonhard-Michailow criterion, Nyquist and Bode criterion.
- Feadback control systems analysis.
- Continuos and Linear Feadback Control Systems Design Methods.
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