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Teme de practică 2020

Teme de practică asociate laboratoarelor din facultate

Sisteme Informatice Industriale – 6 locuri – Teme SHIVA
Automatizarea cladirilor inteligente:
– Detecția ocupării cu senzori infraroșu matriciali
– Predicția consumului de energie
– Implementarea și testarea protocolului de comunicație BACnet

Teme de practică în companii

  1. SRI – Domeniul Tehnic – 20 locuri – Oferta temeTEME internship SRI – 2020 – Automatica
  2. Beia Consult International – 5 locuri
  3. Asti Automation – 6 locuri – Teme Asti Automation – 2020 – Automatica
  4. Celin – 3 locuri – Stagiu Celin
  5. Eximprod – 3 locuri – Stagii de Practica EXIMPROD
  6. EATON – 1 loc – Stagiu Eaton

Seminar Științific

Stimate Colege,

Stimați Colegi,

Avem plăcerea, dar și datoria, de a vă anunța că Vineri 22 Noiembrie a.c. orele 1100, în sala PR406 (PRECIS, etaj IV ) se deschide Seminarul Științific Automatică și Sisteme Informatice -concepte și tendințe, cu urmatoarea ordine de zi:

1.Cuvânt de deschidere  Prof. Emerit Sergiu Stelian ILIESCU

2.Prelegerea: “Modelarea Seriilor de Timp pentru Predicția și Detecția Anomaliilor în Consumul Energetic al Clădirilor Comerciale Mari”, Grigore Stamatescu


Această agoră științifică a apărut din necesitatea de informare și comunicare intra- și extra- comunității celor care abordează, atât teoretic cât și practico-ingineresc numeroasele probleme curente, dar în special de avangardă ale automaticii și informaticii aplicate, într-o lume globalizată aflată în continua mișcare.

Vom cauta să ne informam și să dialogăm deschis și direct teme, cum ar fi: noi tehnologii de conducere, strategii și paradigme conceptuale de simulare, modelare, proiectare și implementare de sisteme de automatizare, extrasenzorialul și interacțiunea cu procesele fizice.

Nu în ultimul rând vom aborda aspecte concrete și practice ale învățământului ingineresc de automatică și informatică industrială în contextul spațiului european al educației și cercetării și nu numai.

Dorim participarea alături de cadrele didactice și a doctoranzilor, a cercetătorilor și a reprezentanților din economia reală. Vom căuta să invităm oaspeți din străinatate din universități, institute de cercetare și firme reprezentative din economie.

Mizăm pe o concentrare a specialiștilor, cu scopul de a crea  un pol universitar etic și elitist radiant al cunoașterii inginerești de automatică.


(Samuel) Qing-Shan Jia of Center for Intelligent and Networked Systems, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) have been changing our daily life in the past few years. The huge amount of sensors in IoT generate big data and provide opportunities to make many systems smarter. However, the decision making in these IoT-enabled systems also face ordinary challenges such as the curse of dimensionality and modeling and the new challenges such as multi-scale, multi-objective, and high uncertainty. In this talk, we introduce an event-based method in which the decision making is triggered by events while not states or time. This new feature substantially reduces the computational load while may still provide good system performance. We consider the application of this event-based method for IoT-Enabled smart buildings and smart cities, both for energy saving and for fast evacuation. We hope this work sheds light to the optimization of IoT systems in general.

Date: November 11th 2019, 12-14
Location: Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Room PRECIS PR105

2nd Advanced Control in Smart Grid Workshop – ACSG 2019

The workshop will be a forum to discuss issues and effective strategies for modernization of control approaches in power system industry landscape due to the advent of information and communication technology and the emergence of renewable and distributed energy resources introduced in the smart grid development. It will include an emphasis on advanced distribution management systems, the integration of distributed energy resources and the required approaches for integration of storage units, electrical vehicles or smart buildings.

The smart grid can be conceptualized as an extensive cyber-physical system that supports and facilitates significantly enhanced controllability and responsiveness of highly distributed resources within electric power systems.


The workshop aims to provide a forum discussing the state-of-art and recent advances on this topic, addressing both theoretical and applied implemented approaches, with representatives from academia and industry along with establishing a strong context of international research projects and future collaborations.

The workshop could be featured on 2-3 sessions, including technical papers and promote discussions on smart applications and systems integration. The sessions could follow the next aspects: Current state of ACSG; Future state of ACSG; Benefits of implementation and barriers to deployment. An invited paper per session will be scheduled based on senior researchers’ involvement. For each session 5 to 7 paper will be presented.

Workshop topics:

The workshop seeks original contributions in all relevant areas, including but not limited to the following:

    • Renewable energy sources control with applications in smart grid integration, fault detection and protection systems
    • Control of distributed renewable energy storage
    • Demand side management and demand response
    • Smart home/building energy management
    • Electric vehicle management
    • Energy harvesting control
    • Smart grid communication and networking
    • Smart metering
    • Internet of Things and its applications in smart grid
    • Big data for smart grid
    • Cloud computing for smart grid
    • Smart grid optimization
    • Cyber-power system modeling
    • Smart grid cyber security
    • Microgrid control
    ACSG 2019 is an interdisciplinary workshop that aims to bring together researchers from academia, students and industry professionals from Energy, Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics and Energy Policy/Regulation fields. Professionals will interact and exchange novel ideas about all aspects adopted in the field of Smart grids considering super to micro grid scales, Power and Advanced Control Engineering.


The ACSG 2019 workshop is held as a satellite event of the 22th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS 22) organized by the Faculty of Control and Computers, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania.For details please check out the CSCS22 Web site for up-to-date info at

Workshop dates:

  • Paper Submission: February 17, 2019 (extended)
  • Author Notification: March 5, 2019
  • Author Registration: April 2, 2019
  • Camera Ready: April 2, 2019
  • Conference: May 28-30, 2019


All the organizational conditions, deadlines, registration rules, fees are common for CSCS 22 and ACSG 2019. Papers should have at most 6 pages and must be formatted according to IEEE format. All submissions will be reviewed based on originality, significance, quality and clarity.

The papers will be submitted using CSCS22-2019 submission system (a special entry for ACSG 2019 workshop will be available in easychair system). In the submission phase, please select the main topics related to your paper, specify the full name for all authors and include the keywords. The CSCS22 submission system is available at: by selecting the entry ACSG 2019.

The papers accepted for the workshop will be published by IEEE Conference Publishing Service and in Conference Proceedings.

If you have any problems linking to the conference web pages, or you need to send or receive additional information, contact us using .


Accepted papers will be given guidelines in preparing and submitting the final manuscript(s) together with the notification of acceptance. All accepted papers will be published by IEEE Conference Publishing Services and will be indexed in IEEE Digital Xplore Digital Library. CSCS22 Proceedings will be submitted to Web of Science indexing. CSCS21 (previous edition) papers are indexed by Thomson Reuters Web of Science.

Authors of accepted papers, or at least one of them, are requested to register and present their work at the conference, otherwise their papers will be removed from the digital library after the conference.

Workshop chairs:

Sergiu Stelian ILIESCU, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest

Ioana FAGARASAN, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest

Iulia STAMATESCU, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest

Nicoleta ARGHIRA, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest

International Program Committee:

Mihail Abrudean – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Eva Dulf – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Ștefan Kilyeni, Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara, Romania

Florin Dragomir – University Valahia Targoviste, Romania

Otilia Dragomir – University Valahia Targoviste, Romania

Alina Voda – University Joseph Fourier – Grenoble 1, France

Viorel Minzu – University Dunarea de Jos Galati, Romania

Adrian Filipescu – University Dunarea de Jos Galati, Romania

Constantin Bulac – University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

Grigore Stamatescu – University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

Sorina Costinas – University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

Daniela Hossu – University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

Andrei Hossu – University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

Nicoleta Ignat – University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

Vasile Calofir – University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

Cristina Nichiforov – University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

  • Workshop title: Advanced Control in Smart Grid (ACSG 2019)
  • 28-30 MAY 2019, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
  • Technical description of the workshop:

The workshop will be a forum to discuss issues and effective strategies for modernization of control approaches in power system industry landscape due to the advent of information and communication technology and the emergence of renewable and distributed energy resources introduced in the smart grid development. It will include an emphasis on advanced distribution management systems, the integration of distributed energy resources and the required approaches for integration of storage units, electrical vehicles or smart buildings.

The smart grid can be conceptualized as an extensive cyber-physical system that supports and facilitates significantly enhanced controllability and responsiveness of highly distributed resources within electric power systems.

In this context, the workshop could cover the following topics, but are not limited to:

  • Renewable energy sources control with applications in smart grid integration, fault detection and protection systems
  • Control of distributed renewable energy storage
  • Demand side management and demand response
  • Smart home/building energy management
  • Electric vehicle management
  • Energy harvesting control
  • Smart grid communication and networking
  • Smart metering
  • Internet of Things and its applications in smart grid
  • Big data for smart grid
  • Cloud computing for smart grid
  • Smart grid optimization
  • Cyber-power system modeling
  • Smart grid cyber security
  • Microgrid control
  • Smart buildings and Building-to-Grid integration

The ACSG 2019 is an interdisciplinary workshop that aims to bring together researchers from academia, students and industry professionals from Energy, Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics and Energy Policy/Regulation fields. Professionals will interact and exchange novel ideas about all aspects adopted in the field of Smart grids considering super to micro grid scales, Power and Advanced Control Engineering.

  • Preliminary workshop agenda:

The workshop aims to provide a forum discussing the state-of-art and recent advances on this topic, addressing both theoretical and applied implemented approaches, with representatives from academia and industry along with establishing a strong context of international research projects and future collaborations.

The workshop could be featured on 2-3 sessions, including technical papers and promote discussions on smart applications and systems integration. The sessions could follow the next aspects: Current state of ACSG; Future state of ACSG; Benefits of implementation and barriers to deployment. An invited paper per session will be scheduled based on senior researchers’ involvement. For each session 5 to 7 papers will be presented.

  • Description of the paper review process and acceptance standards:

The paper review process is the most important part for maintaining the quality of the presented and publishing papers.

The review process must consider professional ethics that requires confidentiality, submission of original and unpublished work, etc. Conferences will use a “blind review” process where the authors are not revealed to the reviewers in order to allow concentration on content.

The paper must be in the same format as the conference proceedings and may not be more than 6 pages in length.

The paper review process will follow: select papers according to the workshop topics or redirect to the most appropriate session/workshop; assignment of most logical reviewers (minimum 3 reviewers (specialists in the field) for analysis); simultaneous mailing to all identified reviewers; review of the papers; coordination of actual reviews and receipt of comments; constantly updated reports to all reviewers on the status of papers in the review process including statements of acceptance or rejection by the reviewers; closing evaluation of all submitted papers by chairs; select as many high-quality papers as possible in the workshop; notification to all authors of acceptance or rejection of papers.

The status reports to reviewers should identify the reviewers of each paper, its present status (accepted/rejected), and any comments regarding the paper’s quality or referral to another reviewer.
Expected duration of the workshop (half or full day): half day

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Fulbright Student Award to the United States 2019-2020

The Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission is pleased to announce the 2019-2020 Fulbright Student Award competition for master’s study or research in the United States. Applicants can be Romanian graduates – BA, MA or PhD students – from accredited public and private universities. BA students are also invited to apply if they are in their final year of undergraduate study.

Full details: