Activitate de Cercetare/Dezvoltare

The group performs scientific research activities in the following domains:

  • automatic control of industrial processes – power engineering applications;
  • automation and protections (classic and numeric) în power and energy systems and power plants;
  • diagnosis and defect detection in industrial processes;
  • modelling and simulation of industrial processes;
  • advanced information architectures for complex decentralized systems.

Project types:

  • contract-based research with national funding (NRC, UEFISCDI);
  • contract-based research with third parties;
  • international collaboration.

Recent projects:

  1. “Intelligent decision support system applied to low-voltage electric networks with distributed power generation from renewable energy sources” – InDeSEn
    Year: 2012-2015
    Code: PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-1616 , Contract 42/2012
    Consortium: University Valahia of Târgoviște – Coordinator, Advanced Technology Systems (ATS) – Partner 1, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest – Partner 2
    Project website
    Schema InDeSEn