1st ACSG 2017

  • Workshop title: Advanced Control in Smart Grid (ACSG 2017)
  • 29-31 MAY 2017, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
  • Technical description of the workshop:

The workshop will be a forum to discuss issues and effective strategies for modernization of control approaches in power system industry landscape due to the advent of information and communication technology and the emergence of renewable and distributed energy resources introduced in the smart grid development. It will include an emphasis on advanced distribution management systems, the integration of distributed energy resources and the required approaches for integration of storage units, electrical vehicles or smart buildings.

The smart grid can be conceptualized as an extensive cyber-physical system that supports and facilitates significantly enhanced controllability and responsiveness of highly distributed resources within electric power systems.

In this context, the workshop could cover the following topics, but are not limited to:

  • Renewable energy sources control with applications in smart grid integration, fault detection and protection systems
  • Control of distributed renewable energy storage
  • Demand side management and demand response
  • Smart home/building energy management
  • Electric vehicle management
  • Energy harvesting control
  • Smart grid communication and networking
  • Smart metering
  • Internet of Things and its applications in smart grid
  • Big data for smart grid
  • Cloud computing for smart grid
  • Smart grid optimization
  • Cyber-power system modeling
  • Smart grid cyber security
  • Microgrid control

The ACSG 2017 is an interdisciplinary workshop that aims to bring together researchers from academia, students and industry professionals from Energy, Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics and Energy Policy/Regulation fields. Professionals will interact and exchange novel ideas about all aspects adopted in the field of Smart grids considering super to micro grid scales, Power and Advanced Control Engineering.


  • Preliminary workshop agenda:

The workshop aims to provide a forum discussing the state-of-art and recent advances on this topic, addressing both theoretical and applied implemented approaches, with representatives from academia and industry along with establishing a strong context of international research projects and future collaborations.

The workshop could be featured on 2-3 sessions, including technical papers and promote discussions on smart applications and systems integration. The sessions could follow the next aspects: Current state of ACSG; Future state of ACSG; Benefits of implementation and barriers to deployment. An invited paper per session will be scheduled based on senior researchers’ involvement. For each session 5 to 7 paper will be presented.

  • Description of the paper review process and acceptance standards:

The paper review process is the most important part for maintaining the quality of the presented and publishing papers.

The review process must consider professional ethics that requires confidentiality, submission of original and unpublished work, etc. Conferences will use a “blind review” process where the authors are not revealed to the reviewers in order to allow concentration on content.

The paper must be in the same format as the conference proceedings and may not be more than 6 pages in length.

The paper review process will follow: select papers according to the workshop topics or redirect to the most appropriate session/workshop; assignment of most logical reviewers (minimum 3 reviewers (specialists in the field) for analysis); simultaneous mailing to all identified reviewers; review of the papers; coordination of actual reviews and receipt of comments; constantly updated reports to all reviewers on the status of papers in the review process including statements of acceptance or rejection by the reviewers; closing evaluation of all submitted papers by chairs; select as many high-quality papers as possible in the workshop; notification to all authors of acceptance or rejection of papers.

The status reports to reviewers should identify the reviewers of each paper, its present status (accepted/rejected), and any comments regarding the paper’s quality or referral to another reviewer.

  • Names, affiliations, and email addresses of workshop chairs:

Sergiu Stelian ILIESCU (iliescu.shiva gmail.com ), Ioana FAGARASAN (ioana.i.fagarasan gmail.com ), Iulia STAMATESCU (iulia.stamatescu aii.pub.ro), Nicoleta ARGHIRA (nicoleta.arghira aii.pub.ro )

  • Names, affiliations, and email addresses of workshop committee members: tbc
  • Expected duration of the workshop (half or full day): half day